Brandi Mazesticeon
4 min read
Who are YOU?
Any thought that you have had about yourself, however deflated or inflated, is not who you are. It is simply a thought. The truth of who you
Brandi Mazesticeon
2 min read
Why everybody is a person of 'faith', whether they believe it or not.
It takes as much faith to live a life of suffering as it does to live a life of bliss.
Brandi Mazesticeon
4 min read
Living in the NOW vs Looking for the HOW
Our current reality requires us to use our primary center of intelligence, the heart if we are to thrive. Your heart perceives reality- that
Brandi Mazesticeon
5 min read
Want Lasting Wealth and Success? Use your Imagination.
Your sole greatest source of success in any and every area of life lies dormant within you. Your desires are the seeds of creation, and you
Brandi Mazesticeon
4 min read
No! No! NO!
I’m simply pointing out that you’ve settled for less than what you truly desire all because you gave the word NO power over you; when you we
Brandi Mazesticeon
2 min read
Manifesting Made Easy
Your life is a result of your thoughts made manifest. To change your life, you must first change your focus.